Improved the COPASI object selection dialog to only display values valid in the current context.
Added color coding of numerical tables to easily distinguish between large and small values.
Bug Fixes
Updated the mathematical view to display global quantities of type ASSIGNMENT and ODE.
Fixed problem in the convert to irreversible tool, which in special situations created incorrect parameter mappings for the kinetic law.
The column order when saving plot data is determined by the order of curves and their X and Y data.
Fixed SBML import of species with initialAmount="0".
Fixed occasional problem preventing the user to create more than one new item in the table views of reactions, metabolites, global quantities, and compartments.
Fixed incorrect detection of changes to the model made in table views, which resulted in the user not being prompted to save the modified model when exiting COPASI.
Fixed crash in table view, which occasionally occurred when editing multiple rows at once.
Created a warning message indicating missing objects in reports or plots, which were previously silently ignored.
Fixed crash in the convert to irreversible tool occurring in multi compartment models.
Fixed problem loading Gepasi files containing a Hill function, which lead to an incorrect parameter assignment.
Enhanced message box to be able to handle large message texts.
The process dialog is now displayed when a large model is compiled.
COPASI reports now problems with incorrectly defined kinetic laws or rules during load or SBML import.
Fixed problem loading of corrupted Gepasi files.
Created an error message warning the user of undefined independent data for parameter estimation.
Fixed occasional crashes caused by changing a slider's object.