It is now possible to export the rendered mathematical
expressions to a PDF document.
The application window remembers the size of the window
and the with of the left browser pane to avoid frequent
adjustment by the user.
Plots can now be activated and deactivated in the plot itself.
When an experimental data file is not found at the
expected location COPASI allows now specify a new location
by opening a file open dialog.
Simulation Engine
The Avogadro symbol can now be used in user defined functions.
Bug Fixes since COPASI 4.19 (Build 140)
Graphical User Interface (CopasiUI)
Changing the quantity unit is now reflected in plots for
which data new data is generated after the change.
Name changes in newly created plots and report are now
properly propagated.
Fixed a problem which prevented the changing of the rate law for reactions.
Fixed a problem which prevented setting the initial state
to the current state of the model through by pressing the
S -> IS button.
Fixed problem which caused reactions to loose parameter
mapping for species when the species had been renamed.
The scaling compartment is now correctly displayed in the ODEs.
Stead-State analysis result are no longer editable by the user.
The units of model can now be entered directly by the user
instead of being limited by the selection available in the
combo boxes.
Fixed crash when changing a rate law while sliders
associated with reaction parameters were displayed.
Saving a model right after entering an initial assignment
for a species without committing the changes lead to an
inconsistency when loading the file. The assignment was
correctly loaded however the outdated initial value was not recalculated.
Improved the undo/redo functionality to better record and
apply the changes done by the user.
Improved graphics quality and Mac-OS with retina display.
Prevented crash when attempting to set the start value of
parameters in the optimization and parameter estimation
task based on current solution values occurring when no
current solution was found.
Simulation Engine
Prevent crash occurring when attempting to access result
matrix elements which are not existing.
When loading a COPASI while with a broken parameter
mapping for species in a reaction COPASI recovers automatically.
Prevented crash of models with discontinuities that where
triggered by the condition during time course execution.
Fixed an issues in the parameter estimation task where
constraints where in some cases constraints where not
correctly evaluated.
Fixed a problem where empty reactions could cause a crash
during undo.
Improved restart after a discrete event did not change the model
state to prevent detecting the same event twice.
Fixed scaling problem of MCA result caused by the addition
of the summation theorem error check column.
Prevent problem where in some situations during stochastic
simulations with discrete events COPASI did no longer proceed.
Fixed a problem where an event assignment changing an
infinite value to a finite value was not propagated to
the integrator.
Improved stability of the time scaling separation analysis.
Fix problem which prevented opening an SBML file through
the open dialog or drag and drop.
Fixed an issue where SBML export and subsequent SBML
import changed the model behavior of reactions whose modifiers
where in different compartment than substrates and products.
Corrected the export of the scaling compartment in the
case where the user choose non-default behavior for a
multi-compartment reaction.
Constraints are now correctly listed in the default report
for parameter estimation.
Fixed export of reactions which had parenthesis in the
reaction name.
Improved import and export of time course description to
properly handle output start times different from the
initial time.
Improved export of plots so that they can be unique
associated with an analysis task.
ODE Export
Fixed problem where not all local rection parameters where exported.