Announcing a COPASI User Workshop in Manchester, May 5-7 2015

Pedro Mendes: 2015-03-26 11:37:00 +0000

We will be holding another 3-day COPASI User workshop at the University of Manchester, UK, May 5-7 2015.

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COPASI 4.15 (Build 95) Released

Stefan Hoops: 2015-03-04 09:50:00 +0000

The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.15 (Build 95).

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COPASI 4.14 (Build 89) Released

Stefan Hoops: 2014-10-10 03:08:00 +0000

The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.14 (Build 89).

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COPASI 4.13 (Build 87) Released

Stefan Hoops: 2014-08-15 09:18:00 +0000

The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.13 (Build 87).

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Places Still Available: COPASI User Workshop 2014, July 08 - July 10

Stefan Hoops: 2014-05-22 04:15:00 +0000

We have still some place available in our User Workshop in the summer

  1. The three day Modeling and Simulation in Systems Biology course will be offered at the Virginia Tech Research Center, Arlington, USA
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