This is the complete list of members for CModel, including all inherited members.
__SIZE enum value | CDataObject | |
add(CDataObject *pObject, const bool &adopt=true) | CDataContainer | virtual |
addIssue(const CIssue &issue) | CDataObject | |
addMatrixReference(const std::string &name, CType &reference, const CFlags< Flag > &flag=CFlags< Flag >::None) | CDataContainer | protected |
addModelEntity(const CModelEntity *pModelEntity) | CModel | |
addObjectReference(const std::string &name, CType &reference, const CFlags< Flag > &flag=CFlags< Flag >::None) | CDataContainer | protected |
addReference(const CDataContainer *pReference) | CDataObject | |
addUnsupportedAnnotation(const std::string &name, const std::string &xml) | CAnnotation | |
addVectorReference(const std::string &name, CType &reference, const CFlags< Flag > &flag=CFlags< Flag >::None) | CDataContainer | protected |
allocateMiriamInfo(CDataContainer *pParent) | CAnnotation | static |
appendAllDependents(const CDataContainer &container, DataObjectSet &dependentReactions, DataObjectSet &dependentMetabolites, DataObjectSet &dependentCompartments, DataObjectSet &dependentModelValues, DataObjectSet &dependentEvents, DataObjectSet &dependentEventAssignments, const bool &onlyStructural=false) const | CModel | |
appendAllDependents(const ObjectSet &objects, DataObjectSet &dependentReactions, DataObjectSet &dependentMetabolites, DataObjectSet &dependentCompartments, DataObjectSet &dependentModelValues, DataObjectSet &dependentEvents, DataObjectSet &dependentEventAssignments, const bool &onlyStructural=false) const | CModel | |
appendDeletedDependentData(CUndoData &undoData) const | CDataContainer | virtual |
appendDirectDependents(const CDataContainer &container, DataObjectSet &dependentReactions, DataObjectSet &dependentMetabolites, DataObjectSet &dependentCompartments, DataObjectSet &dependentModelValues, DataObjectSet &dependentEvents, DataObjectSet &dependentEventAssignments, const bool &onlyStructural=false) const | CModel | |
appendDirectDependents(const ObjectSet &objects, DataObjectSet &dependentReactions, DataObjectSet &dependentMetabolites, DataObjectSet &dependentCompartments, DataObjectSet &dependentModelValues, DataObjectSet &dependentEvents, DataObjectSet &dependentEventAssignments, const bool &onlyStructural=false) const | CModel | |
applyActiveParameterSet() | CModel | |
applyData(const CData &data, CUndoData::CChangeSet &changes) | CModel | virtual |
applyInitialValues() | CModel | |
area enum value | CModel | |
Array enum value | CDataObject | |
buildDependencyGraphs() | CModel | |
buildInitialRefreshSequence(std::set< const CDataObject * > &changedObjects) | CModel | |
buildLinkZero() | CModel | |
buildMoieties() | CModel | |
buildRedStoi() | CModel | |
buildStateTemplate() | CModel | private |
buildStoi() | CModel | |
buildUserOrder() | CModel | private |
calculate() | CModelEntity | virtual |
calculateValue() override | CDataObject | virtual |
CAnnotation() | CAnnotation | |
CAnnotation(const CAnnotation &src) | CAnnotation | |
castObject(CDataObject *pObject) | CAnnotation | static |
castObject(const CDataObject *pObject) | CAnnotation | static |
CDataContainer() | CDataContainer | private |
CDataContainer(const CDataContainer &src) | CDataContainer | protected |
CDataContainer(const std::string &name, const CDataContainer *pParent=NO_PARENT, const std::string &type="CN", const CFlags< Flag > &flag=CFlags< Flag >::None) | CDataContainer | |
CDataContainer(const CDataContainer &src, const CDataContainer *pParent) | CDataContainer | |
CDataObject() | CDataObject | protected |
CDataObject(const std::string &name, const CDataContainer *pParent=static_cast< CDataContainer * >((void *) 0), const std::string &type="CN", const CFlags< Flag > &flag=CFlags< Flag >::None) | CDataObject | protected |
CDataObject(const CDataObject &src, const CDataContainer *pParent=NULL) | CDataObject | |
CFunctionDB class | CModel | friend |
changeUnitExpressionSymbols(std::string oldSymbol, std::string newSymbol) | CModel | |
clearMoieties() | CModel | private |
clearSbmlIds() | CModel | |
CModel(const CModel &src) | CModel | private |
CModel(CDataContainer *pParent) | CModel | |
CModelEntity(const CModelEntity &src) | CModelEntity | protected |
CModelEntity(const std::string &name="NoName", const CDataContainer *pParent=NO_PARENT, const std::string &type="ModelEntity", const CFlags< Flag > &flag=CFlags< Flag >::None) | CModelEntity | |
CModelEntity(const CModelEntity &src, const CDataContainer *pParent) | CModelEntity | |
CObjectInterface() | CObjectInterface | |
CObjectInterface(const CObjectInterface &src) | CObjectInterface | |
compile() | CModel | privatevirtual |
compileEvents() | CModel | private |
compileIfNecessary(CProcessReport *pProcessReport) | CModel | |
Container enum value | CDataObject | |
Container2Info | CAnnotation | privatestatic |
ContainerList typedef | CObjectInterface | |
convert2NonReversible() | CModel | |
createCompartment(const std::string &name, const C_FLOAT64 &volume=1.0) | CModel | |
createEvent(const std::string &name) | CModel | |
createEventsForTimeseries(CExperiment *experiment=NULL) | CModel | |
createMetabolite(const std::string &name, const std::string &compartment, const C_FLOAT64 &iconc=1.0, const CModelEntity::Status &status=CModelEntity::Status::REACTIONS) | CModel | |
createModelValue(const std::string &name, const C_FLOAT64 &value=0.0) | CModel | |
createReaction(const std::string &name) | CModel | |
createUndoData(CUndoData &undoData, const CUndoData::Type &type, const CData &oldData=CData(), const CCore::Framework &framework=CCore::Framework::ParticleNumbers) const | CModel | virtual |
CUndoObjectInterface() | CUndoObjectInterface | |
CUndoObjectInterface(const CUndoObjectInterface &src) | CUndoObjectInterface | |
DataModel enum value | CDataObject | |
DataObject(const CObjectInterface *pInterface) | CObjectInterface | static |
DataObjectSet typedef | CDataObject | |
DependencyType enum name | CModel | |
destruct() override | CDataObject | virtual |
DisplayName enum value | CDataObject | |
EmptyList | CDataContainer | static |
findMetabByName(const std::string &name) const | CModel | |
findMoiety(const std::string &Target) const | CModel | |
Flag enum name | CDataObject | |
forceCompile(CProcessReport *pProcessReport) | CModel | |
freeMiriamInfo(CDataContainer *pParent) | CAnnotation | static |
fromData(const CData &data, CUndoObjectInterface *pParent) | CModel | static |
functionDefinitionChanged(const CFunction *pFunction) | CModel | |
generateUuid() | CUndoObjectInterface | |
getActiveModelParameterSet() const | CModel | |
getActiveModelParameterSet() | CModel | |
getAreaUnit() const | CModel | |
getAreaUnitName() const | CModel | |
getAvogadro() const | CModel | |
getChildObjectUnits(const CDataObject *pObject) const | CModel | virtual |
getCN() const override | CDataObject | virtual |
getCompartments() | CModel | |
getCompartments() const | CModel | |
getCorrespondingTransientObject(const CDataObject *pObject) const | CModel | |
getDataObject() const override | CDataObject | virtual |
getDefaultNoiseExpression() const | CModelEntity | |
getDescendants(CDataObject::DataObjectSet &descendants, const bool &recursive=false) const | CDataContainer | |
getEvents() | CModel | |
getEvents() const | CModel | |
getExpression() const | CModelEntity | |
getExpressionPtr() const | CModelEntity | |
getExpressionPtr() | CModelEntity | |
getIndex(const CDataObject *pObject) const | CDataContainer | virtual |
getInitialExpression() const | CModelEntity | |
getInitialExpressionPtr() const | CModelEntity | |
getInitialExpressionPtr() | CModelEntity | |
getInitialTime() const | CModel | |
getInitialValue() const | CModelEntity | |
getInitialValueReference() const | CModelEntity | |
getKey() const | CModel | virtual |
getL() const | CModel | |
getL0() const | CModel | |
getLAnnotation() const | CModel | |
getLengthUnit() const | CModel | |
getLengthUnitName() const | CModel | |
getMathContainer() const | CModel | |
getMathContainer() | CModel | |
getMetabolites() const | CModel | |
getMetabolites() | CModel | |
getMetabolitesX() const | CModel | |
getMetabolitesX() | CModel | |
getMiriamAnnotation() const | CAnnotation | |
getModel() const | CModelEntity | |
getModelParameterSets() const | CModel | |
getModelParameterSets() | CModel | |
getModelType() const | CModel | |
getModelValues() const | CModel | |
getModelValues() | CModel | |
getMoieties() const | CModel | |
getNoiseExpression() const | CModelEntity | |
getNoiseExpressionPtr() const | CModelEntity | |
getNoiseExpressionPtr() | CModelEntity | |
getNoiseReference() const | CModelEntity | |
getNotes() const | CAnnotation | |
getNumAssignmentMetabs() const | CModel | |
getNumber2QuantityFactor() const | CModel | |
getNumDependentReactionMetabs() const | CModel | |
getNumIndependentReactionMetabs() const | CModel | |
getNumMetabs() const | CModel | |
getNumModelValues() const | CModel | |
getNumODEMetabs() const | CModel | |
getNumVariableMetabs() const | CModel | |
getObject(const CCommonName &cn) const override | CDataContainer | virtual |
getObjectAncestor(const std::string &type) const | CDataObject | |
getObjectDataModel() const | CDataObject | |
getObjectDisplayName() const override | CDataObject | virtual |
GetObjectFromCN(const ContainerList &listOfContainer, const CCommonName &objName) | CObjectInterface | static |
getObjectFromCN(const CCommonName &cn) const | CDataObject | |
getObjectName() const | CDataObject | |
getObjectParent() const | CDataObject | |
getObjects() const | CDataContainer | virtual |
getObjects() | CDataContainer | virtual |
getObjectType() const | CDataObject | |
getParticleFlux() const | CModel | |
getPrerequisites() const override | CDataObject | virtual |
getQuantity2NumberFactor() const | CModel | |
getQuantityUnit() const | CModel | |
getQuantityUnitName() const | CModel | |
getRate() const | CModelEntity | |
getRateReference() const | CModelEntity | |
getReactions() | CModel | |
getReactions() const | CModel | |
getReactionsPerSpecies(const CMetab *) const | CModel | |
getRedStoi() const | CModel | |
getRedStoiAnnotation() const | CModel | |
getSBMLId() const | CModelEntity | |
getStateTemplate() const | CModel | |
getStatus() const | CModelEntity | |
getStoi() const | CModel | |
getStoiAnnotation() const | CModel | |
getTime() const | CModel | |
getTimeUnit() const | CModel | |
getTimeUnitName() const | CModel | |
getTotSteps() const | CModel | |
getTreesWithDiscontinuities() const | CModel | |
getUnitExpression() const | CModelEntity | virtual |
getUnits() const | CModel | virtual |
getUnitSymbolUsage(std::string symbol) const | CModel | |
getUnsupportedAnnotations() | CAnnotation | |
getUnsupportedAnnotations() const | CAnnotation | |
getUsedUnits() const | CModel | |
getUuid() const | CUndoObjectInterface | |
getValidity() const override | CDataObject | virtual |
getValue() const | CModelEntity | |
getValueObject() const override | CModelEntity | virtual |
getValuePointer() const override | CModelEntity | virtual |
getValueReference() const | CModelEntity | |
getVolumeUnit() const | CModel | |
getVolumeUnitName() const | CModel | |
Gui enum value | CDataObject | |
handleUnusedMetabolites() | CModel | private |
hasFlag(const Flag &flag) const | CDataObject | |
hasNoise() const | CModelEntity | |
hasReversibleReaction() const | CModel | |
initial enum value | CModel | |
initializeAtolVector(const C_FLOAT64 &baseTolerance, const bool &reducedModel) const | CModel | |
initializeMetabolites() | CModel | |
initMiriamAnnotation(const std::string &newId) | CAnnotation | |
initObjects() | CModel | private |
insert(const CData &data) override | CDataContainer | virtual |
isAutonomous() const | CModel | |
isCompileNecessary() const | CModel | |
isFixed() const | CModelEntity | inline |
isPrerequisiteForContext(const CObjectInterface *pObject, const CCore::SimulationContextFlag &context, const CObjectInterface::ObjectSet &changedObjects) const override | CDataObject | virtual |
isStateVariable(const CDataObject *pObject) const | CModel | |
isUsed() const | CModelEntity | |
isValidXML(const std::string &xml) | CAnnotation | privatestatic |
length enum value | CModel | |
load(CReadConfig &configBuffer) | CModel | |
mActiveParameterSetKey | CModel | private |
mAggregateValidity | CDataObject | private |
mAreaUnit | CModel | private |
Matrix enum value | CDataObject | |
mAvogadro | CModel | private |
mBuildInitialSequence | CModel | private |
mCompartments | CModel | private |
mCompileIsNecessary | CModel | private |
mElasticities | CModel | private |
mEvents | CModel | private |
mHasNoise | CModelEntity | protected |
mIsAutonomous | CModel | private |
mIValue | CModelEntity | protected |
mJacobianPivot | CModel | private |
mKey | CAnnotation | protected |
mL | CModel | private |
mLengthUnit | CModel | private |
mLView | CModel | private |
mMetabolites | CModel | private |
mMetabolitesX | CModel | private |
mMiriamAnnotation | CAnnotation | private |
mMoieties | CModel | private |
mNoise | CModelEntity | protected |
mNotes | CAnnotation | private |
mNumber2QuantityFactor | CModel | private |
mNumMetabolitesAssignment | CModel | private |
mNumMetabolitesODE | CModel | private |
mNumMetabolitesReaction | CModel | private |
mNumMetabolitesReactionIndependent | CModel | private |
mNumMetabolitesUnused | CModel | private |
mObjectDisplayName | CDataObject | mutableprivate |
mObjectFlag | CDataObject | private |
mObjectName | CDataObject | private |
mObjects | CDataContainer | protected |
mObjectType | CDataObject | private |
ModelEntity enum value | CDataObject | |
ModelType enum name | CModel | |
ModelTypeNames | CModel | static |
mParameterSet | CModel | private |
mParameterSets | CModel | private |
mParticleFluxes | CModel | private |
mpAvogadroReference | CModel | private |
mpExpression | CModelEntity | protected |
mpInitialExpression | CModelEntity | protected |
mpIValueReference | CModelEntity | protected |
mpLinkMatrixAnnotation | CModel | private |
mpMathContainer | CModel | private |
mpModel | CModelEntity | mutableprotected |
mpNoiseExpression | CModelEntity | protected |
mpNoiseReference | CModelEntity | protected |
mpObjectDisplayName | CDataObject | mutableprivate |
mpObjectName | CDataObject | mutableprivate |
mpObjectParent | CDataObject | private |
mpProcessReport | CModel | private |
mpQuantity2NumberFactorReference | CModel | private |
mpRateReference | CModelEntity | protected |
mpRedStoiAnnotation | CModel | private |
mPrerequisits | CDataObject | protected |
mpStoiAnnotation | CModel | private |
mpUuid | CUndoObjectInterface | private |
mpValueReference | CModelEntity | protected |
mQuantity2NumberFactor | CModel | private |
mQuantityUnit | CModel | private |
mRate | CModelEntity | protected |
mReactionsPerSpecies | CModel | private |
mRedStoi | CModel | private |
mReferencedValidities | CDataObject | private |
mReferences | CDataObject | protected |
mReorderNeeded | CModel | private |
mSBMLId | CModelEntity | mutableprotected |
mStateTemplate | CModel | private |
mStatus | CModelEntity | private |
mSteps | CModel | private |
mStoi | CModel | private |
mStructuralDependencies | CModel | private |
mTimeUnit | CModel | private |
mType | CModel | private |
mUnitExpression | CModelEntity | protected |
mUnsupportedAnnotations | CAnnotation | private |
mUsed | CModelEntity | private |
mUuidLocked | CUndoObjectInterface | private |
mValidity | CObjectInterface | mutableprotected |
mValue | CModelEntity | protected |
mValues | CModel | private |
mVolumeUnit | CModel | private |
mXMLId | CAnnotation | private |
NameVector enum value | CDataObject | |
NonUniqueName enum value | CDataObject | |
objectMap typedef | CDataContainer | |
objectRenamed(CDataObject *pObject, const std::string &oldName) | CDataContainer | |
ObjectSet typedef | CObjectInterface | |
operator=(const CModel &src) | CModel | private |
operator==(const CAnnotation &rhs) const | CAnnotation | |
physical enum value | CModel | |
prepareElasticity(const CReaction *pReaction, const CModelEntity *pVar, bool simplify) | CModel | |
prerequisitsContains(const DataObjectSet &objects) const | CDataObject | |
print(std::ostream *ostream) const override | CDataObject | virtual |
quantity enum value | CModel | |
Reference enum value | CDataObject | |
refreshActiveParameterSet() | CModel | |
refreshAggregateValidity() | CDataObject | private |
remove(CDataObject *pObject) | CDataContainer | virtual |
removeCompartment(const size_t index, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeCompartment(const std::string &key, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeCompartment(const CCompartment *pCompartment, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeDataObject(const CDataObject *pObject) | CModel | private |
removeDependentModelObjects(const ObjectSet &deletedObjects, const bool &onlyStructural=false) | CModel | |
removeEvent(const size_t index, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeEvent(const std::string &key, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeEvent(const CEvent *pEvent, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeFunction(const CFunction *pFunction, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeIssue(const CIssue &issue) | CDataObject | |
removeLocalReactionParameter(const std::string &key, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeMetabolite(const std::string &key, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeMetabolite(const size_t index, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeMetabolite(const CMetab *pMetabolite, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeModelEntity(const CModelEntity *pModelEntity) | CModel | |
removeModelValue(const CModelValue *pModelValue, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeModelValue(const std::string &key, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeModelValue(const size_t index, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeReaction(const CReaction *pReaction, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeReaction(const std::string &key, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeReaction(const size_t index, const bool &recursive=true) | CModel | |
removeReference(const CDataContainer *pReference) | CDataObject | |
removeUnsupportedAnnotation(const std::string &name) | CAnnotation | |
replaceInExpressions(const std::string &oldStr, const std::string &newStr) | CModel | private |
replaceUnsupportedAnnotation(const std::string &name, const std::string &xml) | CAnnotation | |
Root enum value | CDataObject | |
sanitizeObjectName(std::string &name) | CDataObject | static |
Separator enum value | CDataObject | |
setAreaUnit(const std::string &name) | CModel | |
setAvogadro(const C_FLOAT64 &avogadro, const CCore::Framework &frameWork) | CModel | |
setCompileFlag(bool flag=true) | CModel | |
setExpression(const std::string &expression) | CModelEntity | |
setExpressionPtr(CExpression *pExpression) | CModelEntity | |
setHasNoise(const bool &hasNoise) | CModelEntity | |
setInitialExpression(const std::string &expression) | CModelEntity | |
setInitialExpressionPtr(CExpression *pExpression) | CModelEntity | |
setInitialTime(const C_FLOAT64 &time) | CModel | |
setInitialValue(const C_FLOAT64 &initialValue) | CModelEntity | virtual |
setLengthUnit(const std::string &name) | CModel | |
setMiriamAnnotation(const std::string &miriamAnnotation, const std::string &newId, const std::string &oldId) | CAnnotation | |
setModelType(const ModelType &modelType) | CModel | |
setNoiseExpression(const std::string &expression) | CModelEntity | |
setNoiseExpressionPtr(CExpression *pExpression) | CModelEntity | |
setNotes(const std::string ¬es) | CAnnotation | |
setObjectName(const std::string &name) | CDataObject | |
setObjectParent(const CDataContainer *pParent) | CModel | virtual |
setQuantityUnit(const std::string &name, const CCore::Framework &frameWork) | CModel | |
setRate(const C_FLOAT64 &rate) | CModelEntity | |
setSBMLId(const std::string &id) const | CModelEntity | |
setStatus(const CModelEntity::Status &status) | CModelEntity | |
setTime(const C_FLOAT64 &time) | CModel | |
setTimeUnit(const std::string &name) | CModel | |
setUnitExpression(std::string unitExpression) | CModelEntity | virtual |
setUsed(const bool &used) | CModelEntity | |
setUuid(const xg::Guid &uuid) | CUndoObjectInterface | |
setUuid(const std::string &uuid) | CUndoObjectInterface | |
setValue(const C_FLOAT64 &value) | CModelEntity | virtual |
setVolumeUnit(const std::string &name) | CModel | |
stateToIntialState() | CModel | |
StaticString enum value | CDataObject | |
Status enum name | CModelEntity | |
StatusName | CModelEntity | static |
suitableForStochasticSimulation() const | CModel | |
time enum value | CModel | |
toData() const | CModel | virtual |
transient enum value | CModel | |
UnitType enum name | CModel | |
UnsupportedAnnotation typedef | CAnnotation | |
updateIndex(const size_t &index, const CUndoObjectInterface *pUndoObject) | CUndoObjectInterface | virtual |
updateInitialValues(const CCore::Framework &framework) | CModel | |
updateInitialValues(std::set< const CDataObject * > &changedObjects) | CModel | |
updateInitialValues(const CDataObject *changedObject) | CModel | |
updateMatrixAnnotations() | CModel | private |
updateMoietyValues() | CModel | private |
validityChanged(const CValidity &changedValidity) override | CDataObject | virtual |
validityRemoved(const CValidity &changedValidity) | CDataObject | |
ValueBool enum value | CDataObject | |
ValueDbl enum value | CDataObject | |
ValueInt enum value | CDataObject | |
ValueInt64 enum value | CDataObject | |
ValueString enum value | CDataObject | |
Vector enum value | CDataObject | |
volume enum value | CModel | |
XMLStatus | CModelEntity | static |
~CAnnotation() | CAnnotation | virtual |
~CDataContainer() | CDataContainer | virtual |
~CDataObject() | CDataObject | virtual |
~CModel() | CModel | |
~CModelEntity() | CModelEntity | |
~CObjectInterface() | CObjectInterface | virtual |
~CUndoObjectInterface() | CUndoObjectInterface | virtual |